This Event is Passed!
Thank you to all who joined us and made the evening great!
No one can deny that Iran Pride has strong bond with dancing*! So, it’s time to show forces of a great Persian Dance Party in support of Iran Pride.
Cafe Mezrab has been a great friend of Iran Pride in years since we began in Amsterdam. And now, they dedicated one of their spotlight evenings to Iran Pride to gather and make some real Persian dance moves!
All the revenue of entrance fee will be donated to the Iran Pride in Amsterdam. So, bring your friends for utmost fun.
Event’s info:
Persian Party of Iran Pride
Location: Mezrab [Veemkade 576, 1019BL Amsterdam]
Date: Saturday, 8 July 2023, 20:00 – 02:00
Ticket price: €20,- (including one drink)
You can pay by cash, card or pin at the door.
In case you rather to donate online instead, please click here.
What is Iran Pride?
We, Iranian LGBTI+, queers and our allies gather together, join hands and proudly march (or in case of Amsterdam, “Sail”) through the cities among other participants of the Pride Parades. This is called Iran Pride!
It’s important for us who live in more free countries to use our opportunity to be the voice of voiceless and seek the equal rights for those who can’t do this freely in their societies.
However, this Persian Dance Party is not meant for queers only, but also all of us who want to dance freely like no one is watching!
So, join our parties, dance, enjoy and support an important cause.
For more info visit About Us.
* Dance was and is one of the tools to overcome suppression in Persian Culture. Therefore, one of the strongest tools of us in Iran Pride.