Who we are & what we do


Queers from Iran in Pride Parades

Through history, queers are one of the biggest minorities whom their rights has been forgotten, ignored & violated. And the worst are those of us who were born in countries that has bad track records in Human Rights.

Pride Parades that has started more than 50yrs ago as riots against the discrimination, is one of the best opportunities that call gays, lesbians, transgenders, intersex & other queers out of their comfort zone to fight for their rights while enjoying the festivities…

It’s a unique chance to go hand in hand to make our Dream come true!

That’s why the Pride Commission of Iran “IranPride” has born to bring Iranians, Persian-speaking queers & their alliances together to participate in Pride Parades around the world & join forces for equal rights for all.



Amsterdam Pride 2018 Award

IranPride has won the “Best Participant” award of Pride Amsterdam in 2018

Aug. 5, 2018

Queer Rights Headliner of the Netherlands

JoopeA has been chosen as one of the six headliners of the Netherlands in LGBTIQ+ Rights in year 2017

Jan. 21, 2018

Count Down

Remaining time to celebrations

#IranPride Day

The 4th Friday of July – First Friday of Amordad
2024/07/26 09:00:00

Amsterdam Canal Pride

First Saturday of August
2024/08/03 12:30:00


IranPride in media

The IranPride Boat with the slogan "I am Hero!" has won the award of the best participant of the Amsterdam Pride.

قایق افتخار دگرباشان ایرانی با شعار «من قهرمانم» برنده رژه افتخار آمستردام شد

The IranPride Boat that sailed yesterday during the Canal Pride won the Amsterdam Pride award.

Publieksprijs voor Iraanse boot

IranPride has won the Amsterdam Pride Award!

We Won the Hearts!


Support & join the IranPride campaign

Would you rather to directly donate by transferring to our bank account?

This can use this link (The amount can be changed): https://www.ing.nl/payreq/m/?trxid=ANedhmGx7a8dn3eEB79lKtjWuIzCgCA2

Here is our bank account info just in case:

Account name: Stichting JoopeA
IBAN: NL90 INGB 0006 6858 71
Account number: 0006 6858 71
Bank: ING Nederland

Or scan the QR-code below with your bank mobile app (the amount can be changed):

Donation to Iran Pride QR-code

Or use PayPal to donate:


News & other updates from Iran Pride members from all over the world


Get in touch with us


    Social Media

    IranPride on Facebook IranPride on Twitter IranPride on Instagram IranPride on LinkedIn IranPride on YouTube







