This Event is Passed!
Thank you to all who joined us and made the evening great!
Iran Pride has been already kicked off around the world. But here in Amsterdam we are celebrating Iran Pride in an opening event in Club Church.
Club Church has been a great friend of Iran Pride in years since we began in Amsterdam. They have special event every Thursday called Blue organized by drag community of the Netherlands. However, there is an special Blue coming up in praise of Iran Pride Phoenix (the theme for Iran Pride 2023). It’s called the Blue Phoenix of Iran Pride event.
All the revenue of entrance fee will be donated to the Iran Pride in Amsterdam. So, don’t forget to come and invite your friends to join.
Event’s info:
Blue Phoenix of Iran Pride
Location: Club Church [Kerkstraat 52, 1017 GM Amsterdam]
Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023, 22:00 – Late
Ticket: €10,-
You can purchase ticket at the door by cash, card or pin.
In case you rather to donate online instead, please click here.